FAQs about Peru: Can I hire a chauffeured vehicle in Peru?

In the cities it is possible, for example from the Lima airport to the hotel and the same in Cusco.

Other related frequently asked questions

How far in advance should you book Lima to Cusco flights?
If you travel in the high season (July to August) or in the dry season (May to October), you will have to buy one month in advance. However, as there are many daily flights, there will be no problem getting flights in the same week.
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Is there a train from Lima to Cusco?
No, there is no such service. The transports are plane, bus or car.
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Are the buses comfortable in Peru?

The buses in the Suite and VIP category are the most comfortable because the seats convert almost into a bed. Instead, the seats that are on the second floor of the bus, are not comfy at all.

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Do bus companies offer meals en route in Peru?
No, each passenger must take their own food, drinks, and snacks.
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What types of vehicles are available in Peru?
In Peru, you can drive motorcycles, cars, trucks, 4X4s, vans, motorhomes, and buses.
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Can I visit Machu Picchu on the same day I fly to Cusco?

Yeah. The first flight from Lima to Cusco is at 5 am. Arrive in Cusco at 6.20 am. From the airport to the Poroy train station takes about 45 minutes by car. And there are direct services to Aguas Calientes (Machu Picchu Pueblo) such as the luxurious Belmond Hiram Bingham that departs at 9 AM and arrives at its destination at 12:30.

You can enter the Inca city at 1 or 2 PM and take advantage of the less tourists in the afternoon visiting the citadel of Machu Picchu.

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