FAQs about Peru: How long in advance do I have to book?

It all depends on the time of year. Keep in mind that the high season is from May to October (dry months) and the low season is from November to April (rainy months).

If you want to go to Machu Picchu, for example, in July and August, the most popular months, you will have to buy your tickets at least two months in advance.

If you go in the less touristy months, such as February or March, you can even buy from one day to the next.

Other related frequently asked questions

What is the best season to travel from Cusco to Machu Picchu?
The dry season (May to October) is the best to visit the entire area of the Sacred Valley, including Machu Picchu. The days are warm and the nights are cold or cool. It does not rain for weeks or months. The bad thing is that there are more tourists and it is more difficult to get tickets or hotels.
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How long does it take to visit Machu Picchu from Cusco?
The minimum you need to visit Machu Picchu departing from Cusco is one day. You can take the first train, arrive in Aguas Calientes around 8:30 in the morning, enter the Wonder at 9 or 9:30, enjoy the citadel until closing time and return on the last train to Ollantaytambo, arriving at the Imperial City of Peru almost at 10 PM.
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What is the luggage limit on a day tour to Machu Picchu?
You cannot enter Machu Picchu with large backpacks or suitcases, only with a handbag or small backpack. If you will only be there for one day, you should take water, a hat, sunglasses, and a jacket for the cold in the morning. Only snacks are allowed and you cannot eat inside the wonder (there is a restaurant at the entrance).
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Is it worth spending the night in Machu Picchu Pueblo?

If you make a single-day trip you may not enjoy your tour to the fullest. You must leave very early and return to Cusco at night.

Although you will be able to climb Huayna Picchu in the morning and do Circuit 1 in the afternoon, you will miss the opportunity to get to know the town of Aguas Calientes a bit, which has to offer, for example, the hot springs.

The best alternative would be to go from Cusco to Machu Picchu Pueblo in the morning, explore the surroundings, go to the hot springs, and sleep there. The next day, get up early to see Machu Picchu and return in the afternoon.

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Difference between a day trip and a multiple-day tour?
In a single day, you will be able to visit the basics of Machu Picchu and you will not have time to visit Aguas Calientes, even according to the time of the train you will only be able to be in wonder in the morning.
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How long is the train ride from Cusco to Machu Picchu Pueblo?

The direct train from the outskirts of Cusco (Poroy station, service available from May to December) takes approximately 3 hours and a half to Machu Picchu Pueblo.

If you take the train at the Ollantaytambo station (two hours by road from Cusco), it will take you an hour and a half to get to Aguas Calientes.

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