FAQs about Galapagos: Which is the least visited island in the Galapagos?

The islands of La Pinta and Marchena have no land visitor sites. They are the least visited islands in the Galapagos archipelago.

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What is a good place to Scuba Dive with Galapagos Sharks?

Marchena is known for excelent diving sites, at Punta Espejo you can dive with hammerhead and Galapagos sharks.

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What is so special about the Galapagos Islands?

Their isolation led to unparalleled wildlife evolution, inspiring Darwin’s theory of natural selection.

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What is the most remote Galapagos island?

Darwin and Wolf Island take that title; both are a mecca for divers seeking hammerhead sharks. Marchena comes in 3rd place being far from inhabited islands.

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