Embark on a captivating 5-day Galapagos adventure exploring iconic islands like North Seymour, Floreana, and Santa Cruz. Witness diverse wildlife, from blue-footed boobies to giant tortoises, and relax on pristine beaches like Bachas. Visit the Charles Darwin Research Station and dive into the archipelago's rich natural history.
Sunday: Arrival Baltra / North Seymour Island
North Seymour is covered with bushy vegetation and many endemic species that make it remarkable and it is the home of one of the largest populations of blue-footed booby birds, noddies, swallow-tailed gulls and magnificent frigate birds. The same thing with Land Iguanas, where you will find many of them.
Quick Facts
– Bird species have an interesting way of interacting.
AM: Floreana Island: Post Office Bay & Cormorant Point
Floreana is one of the oldest islands of the Archipelago as well as one of the smallest. It has an area of 173 square kilometers and an altitude of 640 meters. It supports an abundant wildlife, with a variety of native and introduced species like: Shorebirds, flamingos, stilts, white-cheeked pintail ducks, migratory birds and nesting sites; sea lions and wide forest of Palo Santo.
Quick Facts
– Floreana is known for its traditional pirate stories, and for being the home of one of the oldest settlements of the island.
– Post office Bay, located in the northern part of Floreana, is one of its attractions with the famous post office barrel.
– Punta Cormorant at the north has a green beach that contains many olive crystals.
AM: South Plazas Island
South Plazas is a small island with an area of 0,119 square kilometers and an altitude of 23 meters that was formed by a stream of lava from the bottom of the ocean. Depending of the season, the vegetation changes its color. This island is the home of a large number of species such as: land iguanas, swallow Tailed Gulls, sea birds, brown pelicans, red-billed tropicbirds and frigate birds.
Quick Facts
– It offers the opportunity of being face to face with sea lions.
– There are an enormous variety of birds that inhabit the rocky walls of the south side of the island.
PM: Santa Fe Island
Santa Fe is a small island with 1,9 square kilometers and an altitude of 24 meters. Opuntia Cactus is part of its characterized dense forest vegetation; there are also salt bushes along the trail as well giant prickly pear cactus. Talking about fauna, this island is the home of one of the most beautiful coves and endemic species like Galapagos snake, the Galapagos Hawk, Galapagos mockingbird, sea lion colonies, rice rats and one of the two species of lands Iguanas of the islands.
Quick facts
– A lot of sea lions are found on the beaches
– Home of two endemic species; Santa Fe Rice Rat and Land Iguana
AM: Santa Cruz Island: Bachas Beach
It is the center of the Archipelago with a diversity of wildlife and with amazing vegetation. This is the second largest island after Isabella.
Quick Facts
– Bachas Beach a unique landscape with white-coral sand in a magnificent beach where you can also observe many endemic species like sea turtles, migratory birds, ducks, flamingos, the enchanted islands.
AM: Santa Cruz: Charles Darwin Station
This station is located in Puerto Ayora, is the operative branch of the Charles Darwin Foundation. The Charles Darwin Research Station in Galapagos is a biological center for the study and conservation of many species (flora and fauna) of Galapagos. The paths that help the people to cross the arid vegetation give you the opportunity to have a really good look of the Galápagos tortoises. There’s also a baby tortoise house with incubators.
Transfer to the airport.