King Penguin | Antarctic Wildlife

Essential King Penguin Information

The King Penguin, distinguished by its bright orange cheek patch, is the second-largest penguin species, standing up to 1.3 meters (4 feet 4 inches) tall and weighing as much as 18 kg (40 lbs). Both males and females look alike, with no visible difference in size or coloration. These iconic penguins are primarily found in sub-Antarctic islands, the Falklands, and Tierra del Fuego.

Breeding and Chick Rearing

King penguins have the longest breeding cycle of any penguin species, lasting over a year from pair-bonding to raising a chick. Because of this extended period, they require year-round access to the sea and prefer ice-free islands. Instead of building nests, King penguins incubate their egg on their feet, covering it with a "brood pouch" at the base of their belly. Males and females take turns caring for the egg in two-week shifts until the chick is strong enough to survive on its own.

After hatching, chicks remain dependent on their parents for over a year. They gather in large creches with other young penguins while their parents hunt. The chicks stay in these groups through their first winter, keeping each other warm.

Colonies and Habitat

King penguins are known for forming some of the largest breeding colonies in the world. For example, the colony at Salisbury Plain on South Georgia Island is home to over 100,000 pairs. These massive gatherings are both visually and audibly stunning.

Diet and Hunting

King penguins primarily feed on small fish, krill, and squid. While they may appear clumsy on land, they are expert swimmers, diving as deep as 1,000 feet and staying underwater for up to 5 minutes to hunt for food.


Adult King penguins face threats from leopard seals, orcas, and Antarctic fur seals. Their chicks, especially those in creches, are vulnerable to seabird predators like giant petrels and skuas.

Interesting Facts

  • Longest Breeding Cycle: King penguins have the longest breeding cycle of any penguin species, lasting more than a year.
  • Unique Chick Care: Parents take turns incubating the egg on their feet rather than using a nest.
  • Diving Abilities: King penguins can dive as deep as 1,000 feet and stay underwater for up to 5 minutes while hunting.

Antarctic Wildlife