Galapagos | Defy expectations. Standout like a Blue-footed Booby

Defy expectations. Standout like a Blue-footed Booby | Travel News


We put our minds together as one and thank all the birds who move and fly about over our heads. The Creator gave them the gift of beautiful songs. Each morning they greet the day and with their songs remind us to enjoy and appreciate life. The Eagle was chosen to be their leader and to watch over the world. To all the Birds, from the smallest to the largest, we send our joyful greetings and thanks.
Now our minds are one.

Braiding Sweetgrass by Robin Wall Kimmerer



Karena reflected on finding her footing again after returning from the Galapagos. She was catching up on classes and marveling at family photos and underwater videos. Coming back to -20°C windchill from the warmth of +23°C snorkeling days was a shock, but she felt deeply blessed.

Thank you to Jen for recommending the Galapagos Islands, Karena shared. It’s a destination she wholeheartedly recommends to anyone who loves nature. Though it had always been on her bucket list, she once considered it financially and physically out of reach for a family of five. But the Galapagos turned out to be perfect for a milestone occasion.

On the way to the islands, her family created a bingo card with species they hoped to see. They imagined the trip would be like a safari, with rare sightings. Instead, the surprises began immediately, as a land iguana greeted them near the airport sign at Galapagos Port Seymour. By the time they had seen over 200 giant tortoises, they stopped counting and simply enjoyed the wonder of it all.

The biodiversity of the volcanic archipelago was astonishing. Climate change had clearly impacted the islands—sea turtles were mating a month earlier than usual—but the adaptability and interdependence of the species offered hope.

Present and Disconnected


The poor wi-fi turned out to be a blessing, forcing her to slow down and disconnect during family meals. Her youngest brought along a film camera, capturing fewer but more intentional photos. The result was a series of images rich in contrast and detail.

Karena felt grateful for moments that reminded her of conversations with others—a diving penguin, a cluster of sea lions, or a marine iguana signaling her to pause and reflect. Each photo captured was a reminder to align with the horizon, find contrast, and look for light.

Time, Money, Energy


Time, money, and energy rarely align, but Karena discovered a window of opportunity. With good health, a flexible career, and her children now graduated, she prioritized active, adventurous travel. Revisiting the idea of a Galapagos trip, she planned carefully, balancing schedules and choosing the experiences that mattered most. The result was a family vacation that once seemed impossible.

The Blue-footed Booby


Friends who had visited the Galapagos encouraged Karena to "watch out for the boobies." At first, she wondered, “What are those?” Birds had never been high on her list of things to see, but she was about to find out. Nazca boobies, red-footed boobies, and countless other endemic (only found in the Galapagos) and indigenous (native but also found elsewhere) birds call the islands home. Each guided tour provided fascinating insights from experts who couldn’t stop sharing their love and knowledge of the vibrant ecosystems.

Karena recalled a quote from Brooke Smith’s essay, “Dammit. I’m a birder.”

“You probably fall into one of two categories: you know exactly which bird you saw and when. Or you have no freakin’ clue.”

The thought resonated throughout the trip.

One moment stood out in particular—a Blue-footed Booby. Inspired by Smith’s essay, Karena dedicated time to capturing this elusive bird on camera. Leaning out from the edge of a small boat, she waited patiently for a sliver of sunlight to break through thick clouds. When the light finally touched the bird’s vivid blue feet against the black lava rock, the uniqueness of the moment shone through her lens.

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