Galapagos Hawk | Galapagos Wildlife

Galapagos Hawk

Essential Information on the Galapagos Hawk

The Galápagos Hawk is the only hawk species in the archipelago and the largest bird of prey there. Its broad wings gliding on the updrafts are a common sight from the sundeck of your Galápagos cruise. By the end of your trip, you'll be familiar with their distinctive “kree-kree-kree” calls as they circle overhead searching for their next meal.

The Galápagos Hawk primarily preys on the Galápagos Lava Lizard and other small reptiles and birds, and thus, can be found around most of the uninhabited islands. They are absent from more populated areas due to a lack of food. Despite being the top land predator in the Galápagos, the Hawk is under threat. There are now only 130 known breeding territories left, with fewer than 500 individual birds, and the species is officially listed as “Vulnerable.” Unfortunately, the biggest threats are illegal human activities and the impact of introduced non-native species.

We are passionate about Galápagos wildlife and its preservation. All our naturalist guides on our cruises share this passion and concern. They will help you understand the threats and challenges the vulnerable Galápagos Hawks face and what the National Park authorities are doing to preserve and protect them.

Interesting facts

  • The scientific name 'Alba' reflects the owls' pale feather color.
  • Though found across many areas, their population remains relatively small.
  • They are exclusively nocturnal hunters, relying on their acute hearing.
  • The National Park is closely monitoring them due to their threatened population.

Islands where you can spot Galapagos Hawk

Recommended cruise tours to spot Galapagos Hawk

Biggest real time availability of Galapagos cruises, over 3000 available departures in 2025, over 8000 available departures in 2026, 85 hand selected ships to choose from

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